Sex positions for deep penetration
Deep penetration can be very rewarding. Men are genetically programmed with the desire to ejaculate deep inside a woman's body (though sometimes it seems not to matter if that's in her vagina, anus or mouth!), and they really enjoy the positions that allow them to get as deeply into their partner's vagina as possible during sex. Women may crave deep penetration for the emotionally rewarding sensations it gives them - a sense of satisfaction that goes beyond the mere physical. For, with all positions that offer the possibility of deep penetration, there's the sense of being deeply connected to one's partner. And both sexes enjoy positions that offer deep penetration because they can feel very, very good!
One challenge in all these deep-thrusting positions is that a man may come very quickly - maybe not too soon for his pleasure, but perhaps too soon for his partner, who may not have had enough physical stimulation to get her fully aroused or to allow her to reach orgasm. This is discussed more below.
1 Man on top positions where the woman has her legs raised towards her chest
And the further she raises her legs, the deeper he will be able to enter her. But even in the standard man on top position, where his partner lies on her back and places her feet on his calves, he can get pretty deep into her vagina and thrust vigorously.

2 Rear entry sex positions
This position is especially good for deep penetration when the woman is lying face down, with her buttocks raised. The Kama Sutra describes one way in which a couple can get into this position for sex: they start by kneeling with the woman sitting astride her man, facing away from him. Then she bends forward until he is able to enter her. She then stretches her legs backwards alongside his, resting her chest on her arms which are folded under her, while she raises her buttocks with pillows. The final position is something like this:

This is really making things more complicated than they need to be, for any rear entry sex position is good for deep penetration, including the conventional "woman kneeling with man behind her" positions, as shown below.

3 Other positions for deep penetration
One of the risks of deep penetration is that a man's penis can hit his partner's cervix if he thrusts too hard or too deeply during sex. A position that makes this less likely to happen is the one where the woman lies flat on her belly, spreading her legs as wide as possible, while her man penetrates her as he lies on top of her. This position has the added advantage of allowing excellent G-spot stimulation during sex.

There are a variety of other sex positions which allow the man to penetrate his partner deeply. Unfortunately, many of them depend on one or both of the couple being very flexible. In the first position shown below, the man may have to pull his partner towards him to ensure he gets into her vagina deeply. The second position shown is reputed to allow deep penetration, especially if the man lies back on the bed so that he is horizontal. The third picture shows a couple having sex in a position where deep penetration is certainly possible, but the actual depth to which the man enters his partner is controlled by the woman. Another good position for deep penetration is shown in the fourth picture, where the woman is on top, lying along her partner's body. And last (but not illustrated below), is the classic rear entry position where the man stands behind his partner as she bends forward from the waist, perhaps even bending far enough to touch the floor.